Learn how to visualize your CNTK based neural network

Created 2/26/2018 7:45:43 AM
Filed in Machine Learning

When you're building complex neural networks you often want to visualize them. Visualization offers a great way to debug things like performance bottlenecks, because parts of your network get duplicated by CNTK. Luckely, it is quite easy to visualize a neural network in CNTK. Here's how.

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My python setup on Windows 10

Created 1/10/2018 11:29:01 AM
Filed in Python

Setting up a proper development environment for Python and Data Science projects can be hard on Windows. Python's origin isn't on Windows which shows, but you can get it to work with just a few tweaks. Here's how.

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How to quickly build a REST API in Django

Created 12/31/2017 9:40:01 AM
Filed in Python

Vacation time, an excellent time to learn something new, so I figured, why not build a recipe bot that recommends recipes? For that I needed a way to store recipes that the bot could retrieve. And I figured, why not try to build that in Python with Django?

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5 easy steps to start editing python notebooks over SSH

Created 11/6/2017 9:06:47 PM
Filed in Python

When you work with Linux machines on Amazon EC2 or Azure over SSH and want to edit interactive python code you've got a challenge. There is vim and other console based editors, but that might not be what you want. Here's how you can edit python code in your browser over SSH in 4 steps.

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How to setup tox on Windows with Anaconda

Created 11/1/2017 8:57:04 AM
Filed in Python

When you are developing packages for Python you need some way to test whether your package works on someone else's computer. Tox is a great tool for this, but doesn't work well with Anaconda. With some basic steps however you can have your code tested on tox without much trouble.

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